Hi! Welcome to my website. I set up this place to share with people my interests in photography and music. Hope that you can find something useful here. I am back here in Singapore, a nice tropical garden city, and happened to be also a country, in the south eastern corner of Asia. Some facts about Singapore are as follows:
Total population:
5.61 million, Singaporean 3.44 million, multi-racial, multi-national, 2018.
5.64 million, Singaporean 3.47 million, 2022 estimate (wikipedia 10/2023)
Area of the country:
721.5 km^2, about 45mins drive from one end to the other, 2019.
734.3 km^2, 63 islands including main island (wikipedia 10/2023)
Land designated for housing: 15%
Land designated for road: 12%
Land designated for water catchment: 67%, July 2011
Highest point: Bukit Timah Hill 163m, that's about the highest you can go ..... naturally.
Weather characteristics (wikipedia. Oct 2023):
- no distinct seasons, tropical rainforest climate
- average temperature 23 deg C to 32 deg C, wetter monsoon season from Nov to Feb.