Saturday, July 27, 2024



Raptors of Singapore


A1 12 Jun 2022


FE 200-600/5.6-6.3 G
GM 600/4. 10 Sept 2022


Manfrotto Series 190
Berlebach Report 8013
GHFG1.  14 Dec 2021
WH-200II. 29 Jun 2024






Grey-headed Fish Eagle

A robust looking raptor wiht distinct grey head. Brown breast, well demarcated from white belly and undertail. Tail white with black terminal band. Young birds are less strongly marked and streaked, but lower belly white.

Adult, Swan Lake, 11 Oct 2019

A7R2, f8 1/800. @492mm, APS-C mode, TC 1.4, ISO 800



Juvenile, Swan Lake, 11 Oct 2019

A7R2, f5.6 1/800. @600mm, APS-C mode, TC 1.4, ISO 800



Juvenile, Botanic Garden Learning Forest Carpark, 16 Aug 2021

f8 1/500. @600mm, ISO 400, MT190CXPRO3/BHQ2


f5.6 1/2500. ISO 2500, GM600 TC1.4x, Admiralty Park, 5 Jun 2023


A6400, f8 1/500. @600mm, ISO 500, Singapore Quarry, 15 Sept 2021


f7.1 1/500. ISO 800, GM600 TC 1.4x, Potong Pasir Sungei Kallang, 3 Feb 2023


f8 1/2000. ISO 2500, GM 600. TC 1.4x, Platform 2, 4 Oct 2022


f8 1/2500. ISO 3200, GM600 TC 1.4x, Potong Pasir Sungei Kallang, 3 Feb 2023


f5.6 1/3200. ISO 1000, GM600 TC1.4x, Rail Mall, 16 Nov 2023


Platform 2, Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, 23 Jul 2024

f5.6 1/3200. ISO 2500, 190B/WH-200II









Black Baza

A small, black and white raptor with long erect crest. Head and upperparts mostly black, with prominant white patch on breast and chestnut barring on belly. Undertail coveryts black. In flight, wings appear broad, rounded at the end, abd narrower at the base. Black undertail and underwings coverts most visible in flight.

A6400, Changi Business Park Bus Termina, 4 Feb 2021

f8 1/500. @600mm, ISO 800, MT190CXPRO3/BHQ2


f8 1/3200. ISO 1600, GM600 TC1.4x, Sungei Pang Sua, 14 Mar 2023







Amur Falcon

Male resembles adult Peregrine Falcon but is smaller and has diagnostic red eyering, cere and feet, pale grey underparts and rufous-chestnut vent. Female has dark streaked underparts, barred uppertail-coverts and buffy white vent. Juvenile resembles female but has pale yelow eyering and cere.

f8 1/1600. @600mm, ISO 1600, Punggol Promenade Nature Park, 4 Dec 2022


f8 1/1600. @600mm, ISO 1600, Punggol Promenade Nature Park, 4 Dec 2022


f8 1/1600. @600mm, ISO 1600, Punggol Promenade Nature Park, 4 Dec 2022










Japanese Sparrowhawk

A small raptor, similar to Chinese Sparrowhawk. Adult male grey on upperparts and white on underparts with faint orange barring on breast. Adult female has dark barrings on the breast. Young birds have dark brown upperparts with breast streaking and belly barrings. In flight, wings lack black tips to primaries, unlike Chinese Sparrowhawk, and tail shows broad dark terminal band.

f8 1/3200. ISO 1250, GM 600. TC 1.4x, S Buloh Wetland Reserve Platform 1, 11 Nov 2022


f8 1/3200.  ISO 1000, GM600 TC1.4x, Eagle Point, 12 Dec 2023


f8 1/3200.  ISO 1000, GM600 TC1.4x, Eagle Point, 12 Dec 2023










Crested Serpent Eagle

An unmistakable medium size raptor with distinct black crest and yellow face. Plumage dark brown, with spotting on breast and belly, tail black with broad central band. In flight, underwing coverts brown with conspicuous black and white banding on flight feathers and tail. Juveniles are brown, with finely streaked white underparts and two white bands on black tail. Critically endangered resident raptors.

f8 1/640. SO 800, GM600 TC1.4x, Woodlands Waterfront, 24 Sept 2022


f8 1/1600. ISO 2500, GM600 TC1.4x, Woodlands Waterfront, 24 Sept 2022


f5.6 1/2500. ISO 1600, GM600 TC1.4x, Woodlands Waterfront, 2 Dec 2023







Changeable Hawk-Eagle

A medium size, highly variable raptor, sometimes confused with Crested Honey Buzzard. Pale morph birds are light brown on the head with a small crest, dark brown on the wongs and white on the underparts with bold streaking to the belly. Dark morph birds are uniformly dusky brown. In flight, note broad wings slightly tapered at base.

f5.6 1/800. ISO 1600, GM600. TC 1.4x, Woodlands Waterfront, 14 Jan 2023


Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve Platform 1, 11 Oct 2022

f10 1/3200. ISO 1250, GM600. TC 1.4x


Juvenile, f6.3 1/1250. ISO 3200, GM600  TC 2x, Woodlands Road, 2 May 2023


Juvenile, f8 1/1250. ISO 1600, GM600  TC 2x, Woodlands Road, 2 May 2023


Juvenile, f6.3 1/500. ISO 1250, GM600  TC 2x, Woodlands Road, 2 May 2023


f8 1/3200. ISO 800, GM600. TC 1.4x, Eagle Point, 11 Nov 2022


Territorial fight vs White-bellied Sea Eagle, Eagle Point, 23 Jan 2024

f8 1/3200. ISO 800, GM600 TC1.4x








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