Saturday, July 27, 2024



Tailorbirds and Babblers
A7R4 in APS-C mode
A1 12 Jun 2022


FE 200-600/5.6-6.3 G
GM 600/4.  10 Sept 2022


190XPROB/GHFG1. 14  Dec 2022
190B/GHFG1.  Feb 2022
MT190CXPRO3/GHFG1. May 2022
Berlebach Report 8013/GHFG1. May 2022





Common Tailorbird

A skulking inhabitant of the understorey that is more often heard than seen. In both sexes, can be identified by a rufous forehead that does not extend beyond the eye abd a comparatively lonf tail. Its upperparts are olive green with whitish and prominant black streaks around the neck, particularly in males. Males have noticeably longer tail as well. 

f9 1/500. @600mm, TC 1.4x, ISO 4000, Keppel Discovery Wetlands, 30 Jun 2022


Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, 9 May 2024

f5.6 1/1600. ISO 4000, GM600 TC1.4x


Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, 9 May 2024

f5.6 1/1600. ISO 3200, GM600 TC1.4x









Ashy Tailorbird

An unmistakable grey tailorbird with a rufous head. Male plumage ashy grey, paler on upperparts, but has a darker grey patch on throat. Face is orange-rufous, contrasting with rest of plumage. Female white-throated, and shows white centre to underparts.

f6.3 1/500. @468mm, ISO 1600, Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Mangrove Boardwalk, 5 Jun 2021


f5.6 1/800. ISO 6400, GM600 TC1.4x, Eagle Point, 3 Aug 2023


f9 1/1000. @600mm, TC 1.4x, ISO 8000, Kingfisher Wetlands Wildlife Lookout, 25 Jul 2022


f6.3 1/1250. @600mm, ISO 5000, Full Frame, Woodlands Waterfront, 11 Aug 2021  


Admiralty Park, Mangrove Forest, 17 May 2024

f5.6 1/1600. ISO 5000, GM600 TC1.4x


Admiralty Park, Mangrove Forest, 17 May 2024

f5.6 1/1250. ISO 6400, GM600 TC1.4x


Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, 24 Jun 2024

f5.6 1/1250. ISO 5000, GM600 TC1.4x 


Admiralty Park, Mangrove Forest, 10 May 2024

f5.6 1/1600. ISO 5000, GM600 TC1.4x


Admiralty Park, Mangrove Forest, 10 May 2024

f5.6 1/1600. ISO 4000, GM600 TC1.4x


Juvenile, A6400, f6.3 1/1000. @600mm, ISO 6400, Woodlands Waterfront, 5 Sept 2021


Juvenile, Sungei Buloh Nature Reserve, next to Main Hide, 5 Apr 2024

f5.6 1/1250. ISO 4000, GM600 TC1.4x


Admiralty Park, Mangrove Forest, 10 May 2024

f5.6 1/1600. ISO 4000, GM600 TC1.4x


f8 1/500. @600mm, ISO 6400, Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Mangrove Boardwalk, 7 Jun 2021






Dark-necked Tailorbird

 A small tailorbird wutg a diagnostic black throat patch. Extensive orange-rufous on crown extends to lores and nape, more so than Common Tailorbird, and lacks the pale brow. Male has a black patch from neck to upper breast. Much of the upperparts olive-yellow. Female lacks the black patch which is replaced by faint streaking. 

Male, Ulu Sembawang, 4 Jul 2024

f5.6 1/1250. ISO 6400, GM600 TC1.4x


 Male, Ulu Sembawang, 4 Jul 2024

f5.6 1/1600. ISO 6400, GM600 TC1.4x


 Juvi, Ulu Sembawang, 4 Jul 2024

f5.6 1/1600. ISO 5000, GM600 TC1.4x










Pin-striped Tit-Babbler

Familiar babbler with streaking on yellowish underparts. Upperparts olive-brown with rufous crown. Underparts mostly pale yellow. Dark brown streaking extends from throat to breast,but less boldly marked in young birds. Some birds may show bluish-grey skin around the eye. 


f5.6 1/2000. ISO 5000, GM600 TC1.4x, Jalan Ulu Sembawang, 20 Apr 2024


A6400, f6.3 1/1600  @600mm, ISO 5000, MacRitchie Reservoir, 20 Sept 2021              


f5.6 1/1000. ISO 10000, GM600 TC1.4x, Admiralty Park, 19 Jul 2023



Juvi, Jalan Ulu Sembawang, 20 Apr 2024

f5.6 1/1600. ISO 6400, GM600 TC1.4x





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