Saturday, July 27, 2024

WBSE Nesting

WBSE Nesting

A7R4. in APS-C mode
A1 12 Jun 2022


FE 200-600/5.6-6.3 G
GM 600/4. 10 Sept 2022


190XPROB/GHFG1 14 Dec 2022
MT190CXPRO3/GHFG1. May 2022
Berlebach Report 8013/GHFG1  May 2022





f7.1 1/3200. ISO 1250, GM600 TC1.4x, Eagle Point, 23 Jan 2024


f6.3 1/3200. ISO 2500, GM600 TC1.4x, Woodlands Waterfront, 4 Apr 2024


f6.3 1/3200. ISO 2500, GM600 TC1.4x, Woodlands Waterfront, 4 Apr 2024


f6.3 1/3200. ISO 1600, GM600 TC1.4x, Eagle Point, 17 Jan 2024


f6.3 1/3200. ISO 1600, GM600 TC1.4x, Eagle Point, 17 Jan 2024


f8 1/3200. ISO 1000, GM600. TC1.4x, Eagle Point, 9 Dec 2022


f6.3 1/3200. ISO 2500, GM600 TC1.4x, Woodlands Waterfront, 4 Apr 2024


f6.3 1/3200. ISO 2500, GM600 TC1.4x, Woodlands Waterfront, 4 Apr 2024


f9 1/3200. ISO 1250, GM600. TC1.4x, Eagle Point, 1 Dec 2022


f8 1/3200. ISO 640, GM600 TC1.4x, Eagle Point, 17 Jan 2024


f8 1/3200. ISO 1250, GM600 TC1.4x, Eagle Point, 23 Jan 2024


f8 1/3200. ISO 11250, GM600 TC1.4x, Eagle Point, 29 Jan 2024


f8 1/3200. ISO 1600, GM600. TC 1.4x, Eagle Point, 27 Jan 2023


f6.3 1/3200. ISO 640, GM600 TC1.4x, Eagle Point, 17 Jan 2024


f8 1/3200. ISO 1600, GM600 TC1.4x, Eagle Point, 17 Jan 2024


Eagle Point, Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, 5 Apr 2024

f8 1/3200. ISO 2500, GM600 TC1.4x


f7.1 1/3200. ISO 1250, GM600 TC1.4x, Eagle Point, 29 Jan 2024


f8 1/3200. ISO 1600, GM600 TC1.4x, Woodlands Waterfront, 10 Dec 2023


f8 1/3200. ISO 1250, GM600 TC1.4x, Eagle Point, 23 Jan 2024


f8 1/3200. ISO 1000, GM600 TC1.4x, Eagle Point, 29 Jan 2024


f8 1/3200. ISO 1000, GM600 TC1.4x, Eagle Point, 29 Jan 2024


f6.3 1/3200. ISO 1600, GM600 TC1.4x, Eagle Point, 17 Jan 2024


f8 1/3200. ISO 1250, GM600 TC1.4x, Eagle Point, 23 Jan 2024


f7.1 1/3200. ISO 1000, GM600 TC1.4x, Eagle Point, 23 Jan 2024


f6.3 1/3200. ISO 2500, GM600 TC1.4x, Woodlands Waterfront, 4 Apr 2024


Woodlands Road, opposite Woodland Fire Station, 8 May 2023

f8 1/2500. ISO 2000, GM600 TC1.4x


f7.1 1/3200. ISO 2500, GM600. TC1.4x, Eagle Point, 13 Dec 2022


f6.3 1/3200. ISO 1600, GM600 TC1.4x, Eagle Point, 17 Jan 2024


Plucking leaves, f8 1/3200. ISO 1250, GM600. TC 1.4x, Eagle Point, 27 Jan 2023


f8 1/3200. ISO 1000, GM600 TC1.4x, Eagle Point, 17 Jan 2024


f8 1/3200. ISO 640, GM600 TC1.4x, Eagle Point, 17 Jan 2024


f8 1/3200. ISO 800, GM600 TC1.4x, Eagle Point, 17 Jan 2024


f7.1 1/2500. ISO 1250, GM600 TC1.4x, Woodlands Waterfront, 4 Apr 2024


f8 1/3200. ISO 800, GM600 TC1.4x, Eagle Point, 29 Dec 2023


Failed attempt breaking branch (note right claw hodling on branch)

f6.3 1/2000. ISO 1600, GM600 TC1.4x, Woodlands Waterfront, 8 Mar 2023


Failed attempt breaking branch (note right claw hodling on branch)

f8 1/3200. ISO 1250, GM600 TC1.4x, Woodlands Waterfront, 21 Dec 2023



Breaking the branch, Woodlands Waterfront, 19 Apr 2024

f7.1 1/3200. ISO 1600, GM600 TC1.4x


f8 1/2500. ISO 1250, GM600. TC 1.4x, Eagle Point, 21 Jan 2023


Woodlands Road, opposite Woodland Fire Station, 8 May 2023

f8 1/3200. ISO 1600, GM600 TC1.4x


f5.6 1/500. ISO 800, GM600 TC1.4x, Woodlands Waterfront, 3 Dec 2023


f8 1/2000. ISO 2000, GM600 TC1.4x, Sungei Mandai Besar, 15 Apr 2023


Woodlands Road, opposite Woodland Fire Station, 8 May 2023

f8 1/2500. ISO 2000, GM600 TC1.4x


f5.6 1/3200. ISO 1250, GM600 TC1.4x, Sungei Mandai Besar, 28 May 2023


f8 1/2500. ISO 1600, GM600 TC1.4x, 2 May 2023

Woodlands Road, Opposite Woodlands Fire Station


f8 1/2500. ISO 1250, GM600 TC1.4x, 24 Apr 2023

Woodlands Road, Opp Woodlands Fire Station


f7.1 1/2500. ISO 1600, GM600 TC1.4x, 27 May 2023

Woodlands Road, Opposite Woodlands Fire Station


Woodlands Road, opposite Woodlands Fire Station, 9 Jun 2023

f8 1/3200. ISO 1250, GM600 TC1.4x


Woodlands Road, opposite Woodlands Fire Station, 9 Jun 2023

f8 1/2000. ISO 2000, GM600 TC1.4x


One of the juvenile flexing wings getting ready to fly, near Visitor Centre

f8 1/1250. ISO 1600, GM600 TC1.4x, Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, 29 Mar 2023


Daddy delivering food, S Buloh Wetland Reserve, Visitor Centre, 25 Apr 2023

f5.6 1/1250  ISO 3200, GM600 TC1.4x


f5.6 1/2500. ISO 1250, GM600 TC1.4x, 28 May 2023

Woodlands Road, opposite Woodlands Fire Station


f11 1/1250. ISO 800, GM600 TC1.4x, 3 May 2023

Woodlands Road, Opposite Woodlands Fire Station


Woodlands Road, opposite Woodland Fire Station, 8 May 2023

f8 1/1000. ISO 800, GM600 TC1.4x


f8 1/3200. ISO 1250, GM600 TC1.4x, Woodlands Road, 17 Feb 2024















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