Thursday, February 13, 2025

Contax 28/2.8 Distagon

Contax 28/2.8 Distagon T*

The Good Value Wide Angle Performer

Contax 28/2.8 Distagon T* 2.8/28 28 f2.8



Contax 28/2.8 Distagon T* with Contax 55/67 ring as hood. 

A nice compact wide angle lens with moderate speed and very good performance.  The lens can be purchased at very reasonable price. I am very satisfied with its image quality and to me it is as good as the ZM 28/2.8 Biogon T* for most practical purposes.


MTF of 28/2.8 Distagon


MTF of ZM 28/2.8 Biogon


Aria, f5.6 1/60, Metz 60CT4 bounced TTL +1ev, UC100. 


Aria - f5.6 1/60 - UC100 - Metz 60CT4 Bounced auto@f8 - 4 Jan 2009


Farewell Portsdown - Aria - f5.6/8 1/250 - VC160 - 26 Feb 2011


    Aria - f2.8 1/60 - UC100 - 9 Aug 2008

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