- Details
- Created: Saturday, 29 October 2022 04:46
- Hits: 773
A1. 12 Jun 2022
FE 200-600/5.6-6.3 G
GM 600/4. 10 Sept 2022
Manfrotto Series 190
Berlebach Report 8013
GHFG1. 14 Dec 2021
WH-200II. 29 Jun 2024
Oriental Reed Warbler
Commoner of the two weed warblers in Singapore. Upperparts mostly drab olive-brown. Underparts white, with brownish wash on flanks and vent. Birds with worn plumage tend to appear greyish brown. Note white brow extending betond eye, and longish somewhat heavy bill wiht a pink lower mandible.
Reference: Birds of Singapore by Yong Ding Li and Lim Kim Chuah

Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler
A streaked, skulking warbler of damp glassland. Upperparts rufous-brown, with streaking on crown, mantle, back and ramp. Rump amd tail distinctly richer-hued than rest of upperparts, with tail white-tipped. Young birds tend to be washed yellowish on upperparts, with fine streaking on breast.
Reference: Birds of Singapore by Yong Ding Li and Lim Kim Chuah

Arctic Warbler
Arguably the most abundant migratory landbird found in Singapore during the northen winter. It is generally nondescript with olive-green upperparts, dirty white underparts and a long white eyebrow that extends to the nape. Some individuals may show indistinct wingbars. Vent white. Long black eye-stripe.
Reference: Birds of Singapore by Yong Ding Li and Lim Kim Chuah

Yellow-bellied Prinia
A long-tailed warbler-like bird of long grass. Head slate-grey with thin white brow and black bill. Rest of the upper parts greenish brown. Throat to upper breast white, rest of the upper parts yellow. Young birds are brownish on upperparts with yellow underparts and lores.
Reference: Birds of Singapore by Yong Ding Li and Lim Kim Chuah