Wednesday, January 22, 2025

50 f1.8 HFT Planar

50 f1.8 HFT Planar


Different variants of the 50 f1.8 Rollei QBM standard lens:  
(left to right) Rollei HFT Planar, Schneider Xenon, Voigtlander Color Ultron,
 HFT Planar with  serial number ended with SL. 


Rolleiflex 3003 Brochure: ‘The fast standard focal-length lens with optimum correction and extra sharp definition. At 185g, extremely light and easy to handle. A universal lens with close-up focusing down to 45cm. Suitable for all subjects.’ 

7 elements in 6 groups f1.8 – 16
Angle of view: 45o
Close focus distance:  0.45m
Filter size: 49mm 


For some reasons or another I use this 50/1.8 much more often than the 50/1.4.  Picture quality sometimes is so good that I feel that the lens is  under value in the second hand market, as this lens is abundant. This should be a good lens to start with for those who would like to taste the character of Carl Zeiss with low budget.

Fraser Hill Rolleiflex SL 2000 F f8 1/250 50/1.8 HFT Planar Ektar 100 


Lake Toba Rolleiflex SL2000F f2.8 1/125 50/1.8 HFT Planar Ektapress 100   29 March 1996 


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